Mixed Media

There are several Patron Saints of Bees but Bees and Beekeepers will bring you to Ireland. “If we venture to the lush green landscape of Ireland, you will hear wonderous stories about St. Gognait (also known as St. Abigail or St. Deborah), the patron saint of bees and beekeeping.… she was actually a beekeeper in her time. Which was quite common. “Celtic lore believed the soul left the body as a bee or a butterfly thus bees were held in high esteem.” Medium: Acrylic, fabric, embroidery, molding paste, ink, jewelry embellishments

There is a deep history of gypsy culture(s). Gossip about the dark side of this culture cannot diminsh the beauty of this family oriented, wise and beautiful people. This piece is painted with oils and acrylic pens. We Are All Wanderers of the Earth, Our Hearts Are Full of Wonder, Our Souls Deep With Dreams — Gypsy Proverb YOU WILL FIND HER FULL OF POSITIVE SYMBOLISM Acorn – continued health – improved health , Anchor – lucky symbol - Success in business or in love, Heart – A lover, Heavenly bodies – sun, moon, star - good luck - great happiness and success , Triangles – unexpected good fortune, Birds - good luck. Flying, good news from the direction it comes. Size: 10″ x 8″ Medium: Oils Year: 2018 Available for Sale

If You Feel You Don’t Fit in this World; It is Because You are Here to Help Create a New One — Gypsy Proverb You will find her representing her people. The background of blue and green, represents the heavens and earth in the Romani Flag. Artistic license allowed me to keep my color palette with green on top and blue on the bottom. The flag also contains a 16-spoke red chakra, or cartwheel, in the center. The painting represents this in her dress as she spins around and dances. Size:10″ x 8″ Medium: Oils Year: 2018 Available for Sale